The new improved L-Pack videos are ready! The 30 videos in 7 languages were enhanced by adding subtitles, introductions, images, exercises, and links. The videos were also adapted to provide you with the possibility to take on the role of one of the characters in a scene and to record your own oral response in their place.
Each of the 30 videos is available in 4 versions:
Version A. Target language with sound
Version B. Target language with sound and subtitles
Version C. Target language with the sound of only one character and with subtitles in the target language (this can be useful for practising speech)
Version D. Target language with the sound of only one character and without subtitles (this can be useful for practising speech)
You will be able to view the videos by visiting our YouTube channel. To help facilitate easy navigation, each language has its own video playlist. Here is a link that will bring you directly to the playlist that has the English language videos:
To understand better how different versions of the videos can be used to learn English, please read our Guides available in the “Download the materials” section. You can also consult the written material that accompanies the videos in this section of the website.
Remember that in order to improve your pronunciation with the help of the L-Pack videos (version C and D) you need to access the voice recording programme. To do this, go to the Personal Space on the project website.